The Berber race or the Berberid type in the anthropological classification

 The Berber race or the Berberid type is defined in the anthropological classification of Western researchers by several names and a precise hierarchical scale. The Mechtoid race, also seen as Proto-Mediterranean, is the oldest human element that appeared in the Mediterranean.

 The Amazigh type is characterized by physical roughness and detailed features on the face with a quadrilateral roundness of the face and skull or longitudinal sometimes known as Mesaticephalic and a large and broad forehead in addition to a straight nose and sometimes a convex nose (not crooked), but it is generally thin, characterized by strong facial muscles at the level of the cheeks and wide jaws and Heavy, with a prominent chin, a quadruple oval cranial surface, and a semi-straight back curvature. The eyes usually tend to atrophy or widen transversely with extended eyebrows that take a triangular line with a curved angle in the middle.

And descended from the Berber type several species that took a less severe evolutionary curve in the prominent features of its ancestor, such as the Atlanto-Mediterranean, which is an important element in North Africa and is characterized by long heads Dolichocephalic and barbaric features, but less severe than the direct ancestor with wide eyes.

There is the light Mediterranean, Gracile Mediterranean, which is also widely spread in North Africa with longitudinal heads, and is characterized by its similarity to the European Alpine element, but is distinguished by being just a Berberid type that has lost its hardness of features and retained the strength of the skull shape of the Berberid type, but with a long oval head and large eyes.

Currently, the Berberid type has several ethnological and anthropological names and is usually called Alpo-Mediterranean, and the inclusion of the Alpine element in the nomenclature was added by specialists who believe that the European and Asian Alpine type has descended from a primitive Alpine type with strong and coarse qualities, namely In their view, it corresponds to the Berberid element, as the Alpine is characterized by the roundness of the face, the accuracy of the features, and the small size of the Brachycephalic head. These characteristics are somewhat in common with the Berberid element with regard to the accuracy of drawing features and the semi-roundness of the face and head, which take the form of a quadrilateral oval Mesaticephalic.

Specialists believe that the Berberid type is especially prevalent in the western Mediterranean and constitutes a visible minority in Western Europe and a majority observed in North Africa, especially among the Berbers. That is why they called it EURO-AFRIKANID, which means Euro-African.

One of the characteristics of the Berberid type is that it tends to be white often and usually of a Mediterranean oil color (due to the effect of sunlight), and it has thick and long hair, often chestnut or brown with bright brown eyes. In the event that he adapts to the cold weather for a significant period, he begins to turn blond or red in his hair and his eyes begin to turn green and blue, with a great openness to the color of his skin, so anthropologists believe that the Berberid element is Brunet Cro-Magnon, because it developed in a southern environment of Northern Europe, so it was distinguished by its color Chestnut for the color of his hair and eyes, and the tanning of his skin due to the sun's rays.

This is the hierarchy and nomenclature of the Amazigh race, according to senior anthropologists,

African Paleo Atlantid (Lundman) = Berberid (Knußmann et al.) = Eurafrikanid (Eickstedt) = African Atlanto Med (Carlenton Coon) = Coarse mediterranean or Alpo-Mediterranean (Glowatzki)

Gallery of pictures of famous Moroccans of the Berberid type
